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Elizabeth Diaz Rechebai & Samuel F. McPhetres, "History of Palau: Heritage of an Emerging Nation" Koror: Ministry of Education, 1997.

Jerome Esebei Temengel, "The Legends of Palau, Volume I & Volume II" Koror: Island 21st Century Publications, 1995.

Hijikata Hisakatsu, "Collective Works of Hijikata Hisakatsu: Gods and Religion of Palau" (Hisashi Endo, ed.) Tokyo: Sasakawa Peace Foundation.


We are grateful to the Belau National Museum for use of their many fine photographs.

We are likewise grateful to the Etpison Museum in Koror for the opportunity to photograph their Palauan canoe.

Black tip shark photograph by Ethan Daniels, used with permission.

Image of Stone pillars at Bairulechau is from the Trust Territory of the Pacific Archives:

Except where stated otherwise, all photographs by RDK Herman, Pacific Worlds.


More legends of Palau can be read at the Palau National Communications Corporation (PNCC) website:

A discussion of Palauan culture and short versions of some legends are presented on the Palau: Paradise of the Pacific website:

Some discussion of Palauan storyboards and legends can be found on Jane's Oceania - Palau page:
However, while this web page states that tourists prefer painted storyboards while the natural finish is more attractive, our sources at the Belau National Museum state quite the opposite: the traditional storyboards were always painted, like the ones in the bai. But tourists assumed the natural finish was more authentic, and preferred to buy them instead. Now it is difficult to find a painted storyboard for sale in Palau.

See also the Palau Ministry of Education's web pages on Ancient Palau:



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