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"Inventory of Cultural Sites and Oral History in Melekeok and Airai States" Prepared by Rita Olsudong, M.A.; Calving T. Emesiochel, B.A.; and Charlene Mersai, B.A. Division of Cultural Affairs, Historic Preservation Office, Ministry of Community and Cultural Affairs, Republic of Belau. December, 1997.

Gumerman, George, David Snyder & W. Bruce Masse (no date) "An Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Palau Archipelago, Western Caroline Islands, Micronesia" Center for Archaeological Investigations Research Paper No. 23. Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University.

Josephs, Lewis S. (1990) New Palauan-English Dictionary Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press.

Temengil, Jerome Esebei (1995) The Legends of Palau Volume I & Volume II Koror: Island 21st Century Publications.


Aerial photography by NOAA, provided by the Belau Land & Survey Division.

Terriid (banded rail) image courtesy of Kevin Mitchell, from his website:

Except where stated otherwise, all photographs by RDK Herman, Pacific Worlds.


A selection of Palauan legends, including the story of Chuab and the creation of Palau, can be found at the Palau National Communications Corporation homepage:

Read more about the Chades er a Mechorei at the Palau Visitors Authority website.



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